Leadership Q&As

Moving Education Toward the Third Horizon

We sat down with LearnerStudio’s founder and CEO Kim Smith to learn about why she founded the organization, her vision for the third horizon of education, the infrastructure that is needed to develop a future-ready educational ecosystem, and the crucial role of philanthropy in driving innovation.
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Raising the Bar on AI Reporting

AI Primers for Journalists is the latest in a series of emerging tech primers researched, written, and published by Aspen Digital. We sat down with Siegel Research Fellow and Emerging Technology Researcher at Aspen Digital, Eleanor Tursman and Aspen Institute Director of Emerging Technologies, B Cavello, to discuss their approach to the work and what they hope to see come out of it in the future. 
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More Light, Less Heat for Income-Contingent Funding Models 

Income sharing agreements (ISAs) and other income-contingent funding models for postsecondary education and skills development have made plenty of headlines over the last few years in ways good and bad. On the eve of JFF’s annual Horizons conference, we sat down with Ethan Pollack, senior director of the Financing the Future initiative to understand the promise and pitfalls of income-contingent funding models, how providers can move to more student-centered models, and why stakeholders might not be as far apart as we might think.
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Much More than a Coding Language 

In this joint interview, Co-Executive Directors Mindee and Sarah discuss the power of Scratch in developing important skillsets, mindsets, and community for learners around the world, as well as how Scratch is evolving in response to what it's learning. 
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RPA: Creating Change Through Integrating Long-Range, Regional Planning, and Advocacy

As RPA holds its annual Assembly to convene stakeholders across the region this week, we sat down with RPA President and CEO Tom Wright to discuss RPA’s unique approach, the battles it’s fought, and the partnerships it’s built. Along the way, Tom explains how RPA is a little like a submarine, why the solution for better airport access lies in looking west, and how and why RPA works to promote ideas whose time has not yet come.
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