Big Ideas

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July 17, 2024/Big Ideas

Optimist? Pessimist? How a dose of techno-pragmatism can make tech the good guys again

A techno-pragmatist view recognizes the ubiquity and possibility of technology while acknowledging its limitations and those of the ecosystem that creates it. Read the latest from Katy Knight in Impact Alpha

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May 1, 2024/Big Ideas, Research

The 10 Big Questions for 2024 on the impact of technology on society

The Siegel Research Team set themselves the challenge of articulating “10 big questions” that we should be grappling with in order to gain greater understanding of the challenges and opportunities that we all face. The list captures our brainstorming at the end of 2023, and incorporates numerous refinements based on many discussions we’ve had in early 2024. 

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April 23, 2024/Big Ideas, Research

From Values Agnostic to Values Driven

The breakneck progress of generative AI seems to be condensing into fresh momentum for comprehensive tech policy. However, to design effective, foward-looking policy, we must start with a shift in discourse around technology and technology policy from values-agnostic to values-driven.

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February 22, 2024/Big Ideas

Playback: Katy Knight and PIT-UN Leaders at SIDGE Symposium

The rapid development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has far outpaced society’s ability to understand its implications, and the government’s ability to regulate these tools to prevent harm. But AI is not in the driver’s seat, people are. This panel discussion centered communities in the conversation, and going beyond AI hype and doomism to explore an alternative future: one rooted in wellbeing, ethics, and justice.

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February 21, 2024/Big Ideas, News

Announcing the $2.2M Learning Landscapes Challenge

Siegel Family Endowment and the Walton Family Foundation have come together to launch the Learning Landscapes Challenge – a $2.2 million competition to design and build future-ready K-12 education environments.

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February 5, 2024/Big Ideas, News

Playback: Siegel’s 2024 Ask-Me-Anything”

We hosted an an “Ask-Me-Anything” webinar to share our plans for 2024 and open the floor to any questions about it. You can find the recording and presentation used here.

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January 11, 2024/Big Ideas, From Our Grantees

Introducing Our BRIC Case Studies 

The Black River Innovation Campus (BRIC) in Springfield, Vermont, is a powerful example of community-driven innovation in a rural community that has been impacted by the departure of manufacturing operations and jobs that once centered the local economy. Our case studies explore three key elements of BRIC’s approach: support for emerging tech entrepreneurs; connections with the local community; and partnerships with local and national organizations and institutions.

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November 14, 2023/Big Ideas, From Our Grantees

Introducing our Public Interest Technology Case Studies

Siegel Family Endowment is committed to advancing a vision of technological change that includes and improves the lives of all people. Explore our latest Public Interest Technology Case Study series where we examine the growing field through the lens of four of our grantees working at the forefront of the PIT movement.

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November 9, 2023/Big Ideas, Reflections

Event Recap: A Design-Thinking Workshop to Launch a Second Phase of Work in Atlanta

To conclude the first phase of our community-centered grantmaking in Atlanta and usher in a second one, we hosted a day-long workshop to envision next steps.

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October 9, 2023/Big Ideas

Five Lessons for Funders from Our Community Reinvestment Work in Atlanta

A year in, we reflect on our partnership in Atlanta and consider what comes next.

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September 18, 2023/Big Ideas

Fall Case Study Series: How Four Grantees are Building Enduring and Frontier Skills

Siegel Family Endowment is committed to supporting organizations that are on the frontlines of building an equitable future by helping to nurture enduring skills and frontier skills. We explain how we’re conceptualizing these vital skills and how our thinking has evolved over time. We also share case studies of four grantee organizations that are realizing the promise of enduring and frontier skills in meaningful ways.

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