From Our Grantees

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November 14, 2023/From Our Grantees

Case Study: Govern for America

Govern For America (GFA) addresses a talent crisis in government by building a pipeline of young, diverse emerging leaders to serve in public sector positions.

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November 14, 2023/From Our Grantees

Case Study: Public Interest Technology University Network

Public interest technology is an emerging field of practice dedicated to ensuring that new technologies are developed and deployed responsibly and sustainably, and serve the public interest. In order to help establish the field and advocate on behalf of its key principles, the Public Interest Technology Universities Network (PIT-UN) fosters collaboration across more than 60 universities and colleges committed to growing a new generation of civic-minded technologists.

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November 14, 2023/From Our Grantees

Case Study: TechCongress

TechCongress powers better policymaking and public discussion around technology by bringing technological expertise to the halls of Congress. It does so by placing computer scientists, engineers, and other technologists as fellows in congressional offices, where they advise on everything from AI to digital privacy.

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September 18, 2023/From Our Grantees

Case Study: HYPOTHEkids

Our latest case study highlights how HYPOTHEkids uses hands-on science with young people to open pathways and identities that spark curiosity, help them see themselves as scientists, and go
on to engineer a better future.

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September 18, 2023/From Our Grantees

Case Study: Biodesign Challenge 

Our latest case study highlights how Biodesign Challenge encourages students to explore ways that biotechnology and biodesign principles and processes can be leveraged to address some of the world’s most pressing problems. In doing so, Biodesign Challenge is equipping a new generation of leaders with enduring and frontier skills and mindsets that they will need in order to contribute substantially to emerging industries.

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September 18, 2023/From Our Grantees

Case Study: Project Invent

Project Invent offers design thinking, engineering, and entrepreneurship professional development opportunities
to middle and high school educators across subject areas. With this training, educators lead their students to identify a real problem in their community and invent a technology solution. Project Invent empowers students with 21st-century skills to succeed individually and impact globally, through invention.

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September 14, 2023/From Our Grantees, Reflections

Funding Students in Need Past the Finish Line

We sat down with Last Mile’s founder and CEO, Ruthe Farmer, to discuss the practical challenges that college students from low-income backgrounds face, Last Mile’s “abundance approach,” and what industry and higher education can do to better support students in their last mile.

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September 8, 2023/From Our Grantees

Case Study: Genspace

Our latest case study highlights how Genspace, the world’s first community biology lab is building meaningful connections and
redefining who can participate in science.

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August 9, 2023/From Our Grantees

Raising the Bar on AI Reporting

AI Primers for Journalists is the latest in a series of emerging tech primers researched, written, and published by Aspen Digital. We sat down with Siegel Research Fellow and Emerging Technology Researcher at Aspen Digital, Eleanor Tursman and Aspen Institute Director of Emerging Technologies, B Cavello, to discuss their approach to the work and what they hope to see come out of it in the future. 

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June 15, 2023/From Our Grantees

Case Study: Marshall Street

The latest in our case study highlights Marshall Street and its innovative initiatives to build local capacity, advance equity, and empower school improvement.

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June 12, 2023/From Our Grantees

More Light, Less Heat for Income-Contingent Funding Models 

Income sharing agreements (ISAs) and other income-contingent funding models for postsecondary education and skills development have made plenty of headlines over the last few years in ways good and bad. On the eve of JFF’s annual Horizons conference, we sat down with Ethan Pollack, senior director of the Financing the Future initiative to understand the promise and pitfalls of income-contingent funding models, how providers can move to more student-centered models, and why stakeholders might not be as far apart as we might think.

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